The Topic Sentences In The Body Of The Essay Are Determined By What Elements Of The Thesis?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
College Initiative Essay Essay Example
College Initiative Essay Essay Example College Initiative Essay Essay College Initiative Essay Essay Many people have ends and dreams they would love to accomplish in life. My end is to travel into the medical field and go a professional in veternarian medical specialty. But the lone manner I can make that is to farther my instruction. have cogent evidence of how focal point and determined I am about what I want to be in life. My female parent ever said if you truly want something in life strive for it. Don’t let person strip you of what you want. So here I am in college seeking to break myself for my hereafter. because in world what most people do non cognize is that they need to travel to college if you truly want to truly back up themselves. do a better life. The longer you stay in college the higher the grade. the higher the grade the higher your wage will be. In my household instruction was ever stressed upon me and my brothers. because my parents didn’t want us to fight our whole life populating from payroll check to paycheck like many people before us. That is why I am seeking to be better than that. I want to crush the statistic. I want to turn out to myself. the universe that I am non merely another figure. that I will be able to take my ain hereafter without being so limited in picks. My programs as a pupil of Saint Johns River State Community College is to have the highest possible classs. and do the Deans List. so that manner at the terminal of my two old ages at Saint Johns River State College. when I graduate with my AA grade. I can foster my instruction onto other colleges such as forsay my dream college University of South Florida. They will see that I am non like the remainder that I am my ain person who strives for the best of what the universe has to offer. How I see it is if you do non travel to college. hold some signifier of papers. so it is merely traveling to be harder to happen an existent decent occupation. Take for case. one of my passions in life is music if I were to desire to travel pursue music and do it something major. the opportunities of me doing it. going celebrated are high. but the opportunities of me remaining celebrated are slender. Because so many people would desire it every bit much as I do. But if you get a instruction. an existent filed papers demoing cogent evidence that you know what your making and that your a really serious single so you will stand out from the remainder. and most likely stay in the calcium hydroxide visible radiation. College has so many oportunities. Since I want to major in veternarian medical specialty the demands I will necessitate are many certain scientific disciplines and many maths. And in college they offer to the categories I need to make my end. I personally do non see college as a job but as a tool to make where I need to be in life. and others. so why non take advantage of what is offered? Many people think that college is merely a clump of unneeded work. when in world the things that are learned in the books are basic cognition you need in your mundane life. Jobs usage basic cognition from your eduacation all the clip. and if you do non hold basic educaton knowlegde so how make you say you survive in the existent universe? That is why end is to remain in college for an estimation of eight old ages. and derive the cognition I need to last in the existent universe. My hopes and dreams by the terminal of my college life is that I will go representative. put a good illustration to people all the people who are around my age. that anything is possible if you put your head to it. Endeavoring for the best for yourself and traveling eternity and beyond with it. will assist you go more independent and good rounded as a individual. My love and compassion for animate beings is what keeps me determined to carry through what others might state is the impossible but to me is merely another undertaking on my list.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Creating an Effective Tardy Policy
Creating an Effective Tardy Policy As a teacher, you are sure to face the issue of students who are tardy to class. The most effective way to stop tardies is through the implementation of a school-wide tardy policy that is strictly enforced. While many schools do have this, many more do not. If you are lucky enough to teach in a school with a system that is strictly enforced than congratulations- that is awesome. You will simply need to make sure that you follow through as required by the policy. If you are not quite as lucky, you will need to create a system that is easy to enforce yet effective against tardies. Following are some methods that teachers have used which you might want to consider as you create your own tardy policy. Realize, however, that you must create an effective, enforceable policy or you will eventually be faced with a tardy problem in your classroom. Tardy Cards Tardy Cards are basically cards given to each student with space for a specific number of free tardies. For example, a student might be allowed three per semester. When the student is late, the teacher marks off one of the spots. Once the tardy card is full, then you would follow your own discipline plan or the schools tardy policy (e.g., write a referral, send to detention, etc.). On the other hand, if the student gets through a semester without any tardies, then you would create a reward. For example, you might give this student a homework pass. While this system is most effective when implemented schoolwide, it can be effective for the individual teacher if strictly enforced. On Time Quizzes These are unannounced quizzes that take place as soon as the bell rings. Students who are tardy would receive a zero. They should be very short, typically five questions. If you choose to use these, make sure that your administration allows this. You can choose to have the quizzes count as a single grade over the course of the semester or possibly as extra credit. However, make sure that you announce the system in the very beginning and that you start using them right away. There is a chance that a teacher could start using these to specifically punish one or a few students- not giving them unless those students are tardy. To be fair make sure that you randomly place them on your lesson plan calendar and give them on those days. You can increase the quantity if you find that tardies are becoming more of a problem over the year. Detention for Tardy Students This option makes logical sense- if a student is tardy then they owe you that time. You would want to give your students a certain number of chances (1-3) before instituting this. However, there are some considerations here: Some students might have no transportation other than the school bus. Further, you do have an additional commitment on your part. Finally, realize that some students who are tardy might be those who are not necessarily the best-behaved. You will be required to spend extra time with them after school. Locking Students Out This is not a recommended means for dealing with tardies. You must consider your liability for student safety. If something happens to a student while locked out of your class, it would still be your responsibility. Since in many areas tardies do not excuse students from work, you will have to get them their make-up work which would, in the end, require more of your time. Tardiness is a problem that needs to be dealt with head-on. As a teacher, do not allow students to get by with being tardy early in the year or the problem will escalate. Talk with your fellow teachers and find out what works for them. Each school has a different atmosphere and what works with one group of students might not be as effective with another. Try one of the listed methods or another method and if it is not working do not be afraid to switch. However, just remember that your tardy policy is only as effective as you are in enforcing it.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Investment appraisal and NPV analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investment appraisal and NPV analysis - Essay Example Capital Budgeting is the other name for Investment Appraisal. Every firm, company or enterprise is faced with the decision about which investment opportunities they are to choose from all the options available. The primary task of any enterprise is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders. So taking the right decision at right time is one of the key roles of any company. It is required for the profitability and sustainability of the company. More often than not every enterprise has to invest in assets, mainly capital assets, so that they get returns out of it which they can utilize either to reinvest again or to pay back its owners (Peterson & Fabozzi, 2002, p.3). Investments in assets can be of both short-term and long-term types but every firm is primarily concerned with long-term investment requiring huge amounts of money. Thus, decision on capital budgeting have a long-term effect on the performance of the firm and are critical to the firm’s success or failure. Financial appraisal or investment appraisal of a proposed investment in a firm is one of the key steps in capital budgeting and quite complex too (Dayananda, 2002, p.2). Thus proper valuation of the proposed investment projects of a company is required before coming to the conclusion about which investment proposal to accept. Some of the tools or techniques used by firms for investment appraisal are: a) Net Present Value (NPV), b) Internal Rate of Return (IRR), c) Profitability Index (PI), d) Accounting Rate of Return, e) Payback Period, etc (Shapiro, 2008, p.33). Of these NPV and IRR techniques are mostly used by companies for investments which are capital intensive and Pay Back Period technique, which is more of a traditional technique and mostly used by companies which are less capital intensive (Bedi, 2005, p.14). Now, NPV being one of the most widely used conventional tools for investment appraisal uses the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) technique for the evaluation of proposed investments. But it can always be argued about DCF technique used in NPV analysis as being the effective and adequate technique and its relevance with business environment in reality. NPV option is always questionable when uncertainty is involved in the real business environment. Once an investment has already begun, it is very difficult to revise the investment decisions of a company using NPV analysis for its investment project appraisal. Thus, NPV analysis has its own merits and demerits in the evaluation of investment projects which have been discussed further in this study. A comparative study of two other alternative appraisal techniques to NPV is also discussed in this study. Further, what can be a more realistic approach to investment appraisal has also been discussed in details. Investment Appraisal Approaches Different approaches are adopted by different companies for evaluating their investment proposals in order to come to a decision about which investment proposal will be best for the company. Out of the many, Pay Back Period technique is one of the traditional approaches in this regard. NPV analysis and IRR techniques are commonly used investment evaluation techniques which uses the DCF technique. Risk-adjusted Present Value (RPV) analysis is one of the recently used investment appraisal technique which takes into account the risk factors involved in the investment valuation due to uncertainties present in real business environment. The concept of break-even analysis in investment is applied through the Pay Back Period method of investment appraisal technique (Banerjee, 1990, p.317). This method takes into consideration the fact that it is important to identify the recovery period of investment made originally by a company. Pay Back Period can be calculated from the following relation: Pay
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
VPN Virtual Private Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
VPN Virtual Private Network - Essay Example iddle, replay attacks, brute force, password guessers and dictionary attacks, and social attacks (Fortenberry, 2001).†Thus, more effective ways of combating the threats especially in terms of access to the network are extremely important in order to determine that those who access an information systems infrastructure are authorized and recognized by the system. One of the technologies available in protecting the information systems environment is via the deployment of a virtual private network or VPN. â€Å"A virtual private network (VPN) is a private communications network often used by companies or organizations, to communicate confidentially over a public network. VPN traffic can be carried over a public networking infrastructure (e.g. the Internet) on top of standard protocols, or over a service providers private network with a defined Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the VPN customer and the VPN service provider. A VPN can send data e.g. voice, data or video, or a combination of these media, across secured and encrypted private channels between two points. (Wikipedia, 2007)†The encryption methodology in VPN is an end-to-end system whereby â€Å"the process of taking all the data that one computer is sending to another and encoding it into a form that only the other computer will be able to decode. Most computer encryption systems belong in one of two categories: Symmetric-key encryption and Public-key encryption. A well-designed VPN can greatly benefit a compan y by: Aside from a well-designed VPN, the advantages of implementing and deploying a VPN in an enterprise means â€Å"cost savings because organizations no longer have to use expensive leased or frame relay lines and are able to connect remote users to their corporate networks via a local ISP instead of via expensive 800-number or long distance calls to resource-consuming modem banks. The security provided by VPNs is the highest level of security using advanced encryption and authentication
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sonnet 12 Essay -- essays research papers
In modern times, youth and beauty is an image seen everywhere. For example, a Versace billboard, magazine ad, TV commercial, all of which displays images of beautiful people. But what happens when this beauty fades? Shakespeare in his 12th sonnet talks about his experience and fading beauty. The purpose of this poem is to encourage a young man to not lose his beauty to the ravages of time. In order to do this, one must reproduce so beauty will live. In the first quatrain, Shakespeare begins his meditation on the process of decay. He begins the poem with "I", which signals that Shakespeare will later give his own experience and account. The first object presented in this sonnet is a clock, which is to set the mood of the poem. The imagery presented by the first line is that Shakespeare is just sitting there watching the clock and counting the minutes pass by. Although his state of mind may be idle, time does not stand still for him. As we read on, you learn that the first line is significant because it creates a bridge to the next line, "the brave day sunk in hideous night"(L2). Again, we need to place emphasis on Shakespeare's choice of wording. Shakespeare uses the word sunk in order to illustrate how the dark night engulfs the day. What Shakespeare is doing is using the words "hideous night" and "sunk" to form a catalogue of images pertaining to decay and passing time. The brave day sinks deeper and deeper ...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How does Shakespeare use language to reinforce these feelings? Essay
Comment on various sorts of love in the play ‘Romeo and Juliet. How does Shakespeare use language to reinforce these feelings? Romeo and Juliet, a tale of two ‘Star-crossed’ lovers, is similar to any modern-day, magazine featured love story. It features a typical teenage romance, which is destined for tragedy. Take West Side Story or even Grease; they all thrive around the same plot. William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in the 16th Century. It is set in the 12th Century in the thriving city of Verona amongst the hate of two rival families; The Capulets and The Montagues. The plot intertwines itself around different types of love and ends with an act of truelove. Only through the young lover’s death do the two feuding families finally shake hands in a sign of reconciliation. Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet depend on one another as a source of support and love. One prime example of this is of Juliet and her nurse. This type of love is also featured at the beginning of the play between Romeo and his cousin, Benvolio. Throughout the beginning of Act 1 Scene 1 both Lord and Lady Montague (Romeo’s parents) and Benvolio show concern toward how Romeo has been behaving. They describe him as being ‘tearful’ and ‘unsociable’. Benvolio then shows himself as a close, sensitive friend to Romeo. He talks to Romeo sympathetically even though he has been pushed away by him. He displays care and support which could be classed as ‘brotherly love’. These actions between two people do not stop there as the same happens between Mercutio and Romeo in Act 2 Scene 4, Mercutio says to Romeo: ‘Why is not this better now than groaning for love, thou art sociable, thou art Romeo, for this drivelling love is like a great natural. ‘ In ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Shakespeare used techniques such as light imagery to emphasise a mood or a particular speech. In Elizabethan times, when ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written, the stage in which it would have been performed would have been very simple. Therefore, Shakespeare had to rely on the words spoken by the characters to create the imagery needed. By using light to denote love he could create the images he wanted and the audience could picture the mood as opposed to seeing it. An example of this is when Romeo describes Juliet, his love, as a light breaking through a dark window (Act 2 Scene 2) or a bright angel or the sun. Juliet then goes on to describe the suddenness of their love like lightning: ‘It is too rash, too sudden, too like the lightning. ‘ (Act 2 Scene 2 line 118-119) This technique is so effective that Shakespeare uses it throughout ‘Romeo and Juliet’. Shakespeare was born and grew up during the Elizabethan times. Religion, money and wealth played a strong part in life in this era. In Shakespeare’s plays he reflects heavily on Elizabethan values in showing love and marriage to be the main focus of women’s life. Girls as young as 12 were encouraged to marry for Wealth and Status as opposed to love. According to an Elizabethan text it says: ‘It is generally considered foolish to marry for love, although love may occur in marriage. ‘ Elizabethan Life- Throughout the Ages The idea of arranged marriages was very popular during this time and this topic is featured in Romeo and Juliet. Juliet’s parents, Lord and Lady Capulet, are approached by, Paris, a suitable husband for their daughter. Through looking at his background and status in wealth, Lord Capulet decides that the two should marry. However, it could be said that Shakespeare wasn’t in favour of these marriages because he made two main characters express concern about the age of their daughter being so young. This is shown when Lord Capulet says to Paris: ‘My child is yet a stranger in the world, She hath not seen the change of fourteen years, Let two more summers wither in their pride, Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride. ‘ (Act 1 Scene 2) One of the most abnormal actions which would not normally fit in with Elizabethan life is when Romeo and Juliet marry because of pure love. When this play was written there was a small rising Elizabethan interest in marrying for love as apposed to status of wealth or family. By including this in the play he introduced his audience to what he thought should be accepted possibly in future life. In ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Shakespeare uses different types of language technique to create an emotion. A prime example of this is when the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, meet for the very first time. They share a 14 line sonnet. In this sonnet there is religious imagery: Which mannerly devotion shows in this, For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss. (Act 1 Scene 5 lines 97-99) Here Romeo and Juliet use religious icons to express their love for each other and through mirroring the love between a pilgrim and a saint they are in reality talking about themselves. One of the reasons why Shakespeare has used this sonnet in the first meeting, between Romeo and Juliet is to emphasise their mutual feeling of ‘love at first sight’. It brings both rhythm and elegance to the text. By including sonnets in his text, Shakespeare is able to enhance and beatify the emotion. Before the famous two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, meet each other for the first time we discover, in the opening scene, that Romeo is infatuated with a lady called Rosaline. In Act 1 Scene 1 Romeo declares ‘She is too fair, to wise, wisely too fair, To merit bliss by making me despair. ‘ Romeo is indeed in despair as Rosaline, the women he apparently loves, has sworn that he will remain a virgin for the rest of her life. Benvolio reminds Romeo by saying ‘Then she hath sworn that she will still live chaste. ‘ Romeo partly in anger, starts using elaborate language to further describe his infatuation. He says: ‘Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs, Being purged, a fire sparkling in lover’s eyes. ‘ Romeo’s love for Rosaline echoes Petrach’s, a popular English poet, work. Petrarch used very heavy descriptive language in his poetry. Romeo was almost obsessed with Rosaline but she rejected his advances. This type of infatuation is called Petrarchan love. Romeo’s love for Rosaline is classed as unrequited’ love or almost courtly love. Shakespeare wrote Romeo’s melodramatic speech about Rosaline to seem almost unconvincing. It was as if Shakespeare didn’t want the audience to believe that Romeo’s feelings were genuine. He uses oxymoron’s to persuade us that in fact Romeo’s love for Rosaline is false. An example of this is when Romeo says: ‘O brawling love, loving Hate, O heavy lightness, serious vanity. ‘ By including such techniques as this, it almost overdresses the text and enhances the fake- ness. Although the audience recognise that this love Romeo has is fake Shakespeare reinforces the audience’s suspicions by making one of his characters realise this too. Throughout the play Shakespeare uses the language to create and encourage dramatic tension. A good example of this is when the Friar Lawrence repeats the word ‘come’, in Act 5 Scene 3, four times within a short speech. By using repetition it builds up not only the pace but tension too. It is the Friar Laurence who comments on Romeo’s lack of genuine love. He believes that Romeo’s love for Rosaline is indeed false and is classed a doting rather than true love. He describes how this is common in young men by saying ‘Young men’s love then lies, Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. ‘ Act 2 Scene 2. Friar Laurence then goes on to quote Romeo’s love again, he says: ‘Thy love did read by rote, that could not spell. ‘ Act 2 Scene 3. He believes that Romeo’s love is more like a recitation memorised from a book, and that he has no true understanding of it. When Romeo approaches Friar Laurence, after attending the Capulet party, his attitude has changed. He has indeed fallen in love with a Capulet; the Montague’s opposition. The language Romeo uses is livelier which is apposed to the dull yet heavily decorated speech he earlier used. When Romeo claimed to be in love with Rosaline, the friar became fed up with Romeo’s speech being too flowery. He says ‘Be plain good son, and homely in thy drift’. (Act 2 Scene 3 Lines 55). In Act 2 Scene 3 Friar Laurence is suspicious of Romeo’s new found love and tells him not to be too hasty. Romeo seems to be convinced about his new love. Friar Laurence says that he will support him: ‘In one respect I’ll thy assistant be’. Although through Friar Laurence’s speech and reactions towards Romeo he is wary, the Friar sees this as an opportunity to bring the two contrasting families together: ‘For this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your household’s rumour to pure love. At the beginning of the play it features Sampson and Gregory, two Montague Servants. They start to boast to each about their sexual experiences. They talk about women losing their virginity and men’s erections and their lust for such things. This could be classed as Crude or Sexual love. Another place in the play where it happens is in Act 2 Scene 5 line 75. This is when the nurse behaves in a crude manner. She says jokingly, while sending Juliet of to her marriage with Romeo, ‘But you shall bear the burden soon at night. ‘ One of the most obvious types of love portrayed in Romeo and Juliet is true love. This is displayed between the two ‘Star-crossed’ lovers Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the play they show ‘true love’ for each other. One prime example of this is in the balcony scene in Act 2 Scene 2. Both through indirect and direct speech to one another they express their feelings for one another. Juliet says to Romeo: ‘Ere one can say ‘It lightens’. Sweet, good night, this bud of love, by summers ripening breath. My love is deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have. ‘ In Romeo and Juliet one type of love which is portrayed between Juliet her parents is paternal Love. Both her father and mother express concern over Juliet and her welfare. Her father mainly shows this when The County Paris asks to marry Juliet within the next couple of days. He replies:’ Monday ha, ha! Wednesday is too soon, A’ Thursday let it be’. The language used by Lord Capulet reinforces his love for Juliet by appearing strong yet making a joke out of the suddenness of the marriage. By saying ‘ha, ha! ‘ in response to Paris wanting the marriage to be on Monday it appears as if he has everything sorted out. Yet, in the real sense he doesn’t want to let his daughter go so soon. Throughout his next speech he appears to of thought he is doing the right thing by marrying Juliet to Paris. He makes sure that Paris is a worthy Gentleman therefore portraying affection and love for his daughter. One character who is not related to Juliet yet shows parental-like love towards her is her nurse. We know that previous to when the play is set that the nurse has lost her child. Although that Juliet’s Nurse does not believe in ‘true love’ she expresses love for Juliet. She lets Juliet and her lover, an enemy of the family, meet. In Act 1 Scene 3 line 60-63 she shows affection towards Juliet after conveying messages to from one lover to another: ‘Peace, I have done. God mark thee to his grace, Thou wast the prettiest babe that e’er I nursed. And I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish. ‘ The language used by the nurse is very affectionate and personal. This helps to reinforce the Nurse’s Parental love for Juliet. The play ends with a triumph of true love over a dutiful love, the marriage between Juliet and Paris, and the hate between the two families. Romeo and Juliet perform the ultimate act of true love by dying for each other in order to be together. The two feuding families of Verona finally shake hands and are united through this tragedy. In shaking hands they are formalising Romeo and Juliet’s love. Capulet says: O brother Montague, give me thy hand. This is my daughter’s jointure, for no more can I demand. ‘
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Relationship Between Savings and Investment in the Nigerian Economy
Introduction Interests in the study of economic growth and development have been on the increase especially since the middle of the present century. Economic growth results in the expansion of a country’s production possibility curve such that the potential output of the country is increased beyond the previous levels. Thus growth is often defined in terms of a sustained increase in the real per capita income of a country.Simon Kuznets in (Todaro, 1885), defined a country’s economic growth as â€Å"a long term rise in the capacity to supply increasingly diverse economic goods to its population, this growing capacity based on advanced technology and the institutional and ideological adjustments that it demands†. Growth is therefore measurable and objective. It describes expansion in capital, in the labour force, in output, income, consumption e. t. c.It should be noted that economic growth is sometimes used interchangeably with economic development. A distinction of the two was however made by (Jhingan, 1976) where he defined economic development as the ‘non-quantifiable measure of the growing economy†i. e. the economic, social and other changes that lead to growth such as changes in techniques of production, social attitudes and institutions e. t. c. No matter the distinction what is important in the words of (Iyoha, 1996) is that there is no development without growth.One point that must be mentioned however is that in practice, economic growth is used to describe the process of growth in advanced industrialized countries while economic development is used to describe the dynamics of growth in low income non-industrialized countries. This position is buttressed by (Romer, 2001), where he posited that over the past few centuries, standard of living in industrialized countries has reached levels almost unimaginable to their ancestors.He affirmed that although comparisons are difficult, the best available evidence suggests that a verage real income today in the United States and Western Europe are between 10 and 30 times larger than a century ago, and between 50 and 300 times larger than two centuries ago. Following from the above, Kuznets identified six characteristics of modern economic growth. These are:  ¦ High rate of growth of per capita output and population.  ¦ High rate of increase in total factor productivity, especially labour. High rate of structural transformation of the economy.  ¦ High rate of social and ideological transformation.  ¦ Outward expansion of the developed economies i. e. the ability to reach out to the rest of the world for raw materials and markets.  ¦ The international flow of men, goods and capita. It then follows that for all these to be achieved especially for a developing economy like Nigeria some economic variables within the context of the features of the Nigerian economy must be marked upon to achieve these status mentioned above.Statement of research problem S o many blurred visions about the projection of Nigerian economy have been seen by the operators of the Nigerian economy. In the days of Abacha administration between 1993 and 1997, it was vision 2010 as led by former Head of State, Ernest Shonekan. 2010 is around the corner and nothing seems to have changed the last 15years. Another journey is being embarked upon by Yaradua and his economic team. The mission of making Nigeria one of the biggest 20 economies in the world by 2020, vision 2020-20.Whether this is achievable or not is best left for debate for scholars of economics. But if one must follow the position of Robert Solow (1956), the Ramsey-Cass-Koopman model (1928, 1965, 1965) and the Diamond model (1965), achieving the above is a function of thorough understanding of production function of a given economy. Nigeria like most countries is blessed with abundant human and natural resources, yet the economy is still groping with problems.Evidence is palpable that apart from incom e from sales of crude oil, the nation is close to zero in terms of technological advancement. The reason for this is no other than that the much needed investment to motivate technological advancement and industrialization is not forthcoming. The position of the government immediately after independence to embark upon import substitution as an industrialization strategy did not equally help matter.If investment is a catalyst for industrialization and hence economic growth, investment is made possible by another catalyst in savings. Over the years, there has not been any synergy between savings and investment in Nigeria. This problem is because of little emphasis partakers in the running of the economy are giving financial intermediation. It is in a country like Nigeria where the borrowers reign supreme at the expense of the lender.The deposit rates to the supplier of funds from the surplus units are not only meager but pittance, while the lending rates collected from the users of fu nd in the deficit unit is astronomical. So it is the issue of cutting the depositors with knife’s edge while cutting the borrower with razor’s edge. Savings is not encouraged while investment is discouraged. Economic activities slowed down, productivity neglected while economic growth in the real sense of it is stagnant.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Kantian Ethics
Kantian Ethics If philosophy should serve as an instrument of guidance for implementing our own morality, than Kant presents the driving factor as rationality behind such moral distinctions. In The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morality, Kant states that there is no need to perceive whether moral law should be truly regarded above everything else, for it is only the goodwill that has the absolute moral worth that needs not to be validated. Kant further argues that since this truth is omnipresent in humanity, then it is humanity’s innate duty to adhere to it, no matter how strong inclination may tempt us. Kant concludes that since it is the moral law to which all beings are bound, the foundations of moral law depends exclusively on a priori knowledge, and not upon empirical or anthropological grounds. With Kant’s basis for argument concentrated on how actions are determined by a binding moral law, the distinction between what may be regarded as an action of moral worth should be made to understand how a deviation from the innate rationality of morality may occur. An action, according to Kant, only displays moral worth if this action is taken out of respect for the moral law and the necessity to follow the maxim, with no influence from any inclinations. For example, a shopkeeper can make many different choices of action to depending on what motives he relies on to determine whether to sell a child candy for a fair price. He can choose either to sell fairly or not to sell fairly, but it is whether his inclinations have influenced these motives for acting which determines whether his action has moral value according to Kantian theory. The shopkeeper may ignore to follow the moral law altogether andz+. charge the children for more than the rightful choice, guided by an irrational decision to follow his desire to make more money. According to Kant, if the shopkeeper chooses this action he is immoral, his action is of n... Free Essays on Kantian Ethics Free Essays on Kantian Ethics Kantian Ethics If philosophy should serve as an instrument of guidance for implementing our own morality, than Kant presents the driving factor as rationality behind such moral distinctions. In The Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morality, Kant states that there is no need to perceive whether moral law should be truly regarded above everything else, for it is only the goodwill that has the absolute moral worth that needs not to be validated. Kant further argues that since this truth is omnipresent in humanity, then it is humanity’s innate duty to adhere to it, no matter how strong inclination may tempt us. Kant concludes that since it is the moral law to which all beings are bound, the foundations of moral law depends exclusively on a priori knowledge, and not upon empirical or anthropological grounds. With Kant’s basis for argument concentrated on how actions are determined by a binding moral law, the distinction between what may be regarded as an action of moral worth should be made to understand how a deviation from the innate rationality of morality may occur. An action, according to Kant, only displays moral worth if this action is taken out of respect for the moral law and the necessity to follow the maxim, with no influence from any inclinations. For example, a shopkeeper can make many different choices of action to depending on what motives he relies on to determine whether to sell a child candy for a fair price. He can choose either to sell fairly or not to sell fairly, but it is whether his inclinations have influenced these motives for acting which determines whether his action has moral value according to Kantian theory. The shopkeeper may ignore to follow the moral law altogether andz+. charge the children for more than the rightful choice, guided by an irrational decision to follow his desire to make more money. According to Kant, if the shopkeeper chooses this action he is immoral, his action is of n...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Plasma Definition in Chemistry and Physics
Plasma Definition in Chemistry and Physics PlasmaDefinition Plasma is a state of matter where the gas phase is energized until atomic electrons are no longer associated with any particular atomic nucleus. Plasmas are made up of positively charged ions and unbound electrons. Plasma may be produced by either heating a gas until it ionized or by subjecting it to a strong electromagnetic field. The term plasma comes from a Greek word that means jelly or moldable material. The word was introduced in the 1920s by chemist Irving Langmuir. Plasma is considered one of the four fundamental states of matter, along with solids, liquids, and gases. While the other three states of matter are commonly encountered in daily life, plasma is relatively rare. Examples of Plasma The plasma ball toy is a typical example of plasma and how it behaves. Plasma is also found in neon lights, plasma displays, arc welding torches, and Tesla coils. Natural examples of plasma include lightning the aurora, the ionosphere, St. Elmos fire, and electrical sparks. While not often seen on Earth, plasma is the most abundant form of matter in the universe (excluding perhaps dark matter). The stars, interior of the Sun, solar wind, and solar corona consist of fully ionized plasma. The interstellar medium and intergalactic medium also contain plasma. Properties of Plasma In a sense, plasma is like a gas in that it assumes the shape and volume of its container. However, plasma isnt as free as gas because its particles are electrically charged. Opposite charges attract each other, often causing plasma to maintain a general shape or flow. The charged particles also mean plasma may be shaped or contained by electrical and magnetic fields. Plasma is generally at a much lower pressure than a gas. Types of Plasma Plasma is the result of ionization of atoms. Because its possible for either all or a portion of atoms to be ionized, there are different degrees of ionization. The level of ionization is mainly controlled by temperature, where increasing the temperature increases the degree of ionization. Matter in which only 1% of the particles are ionized can show characteristics of plasma, yet not be plasma. Plasma may be categorized as hot or completely ionized if nearly all the particles are ionized, or cold or incompletely ionized if a small fraction of molecules are ionized. Note the temperature of cold plasma may still be incredibly hot (thousands of degrees Celsius)! Another way to categorize plasma is as thermal or nonthermal. In thermal plasma, the electrons and heavier particles are in thermal equilibrium or at the same temperature. In nonthermal plasma, the electrons are at a much higher temperature than the ions and neutral particles (which may be at room temperature). Discovery of Plasma The first scientific description of plasma was made by Sir William Crookes in 1879, in reference to what he called radiant matter in a Crookes cathode ray tube. British physicist Sir J.J. Thomsons experiments with a cathode ray tube led him to propose an atomic model in which atoms consisted of positively (protons) and negatively charged subatomic particles.In 1928, Langmuir gave a name to the form of matter.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Ethics in Business Summative Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Ethics in Business Summative Assignment - Essay Example However, Vin Diesel has recently become a vegetarian and no longer consumes the product. Amie feels disturbed by the ethical ramifications of the celebritys endorsement and is pondering how to proceed with the advertising project in the face of ethical concerns. Individuals in the advertising business, or even amongst general society, are often challenged when they consider ethics and legality to be similar; however ethics and the law are two very distinctly different things (Nickels et al, 2005). Amie, the copywriter for Laird & Laird, questions the ethical appropriateness of using recent vegetarian convert Vin Diesel as the spokesperson for Basils Best bacon. Because the celebrity no longer consumes the product, Amie feels that consumers may be unintentionally misled by the endorsement, since potential health issues are being intentionally omitted from Diesels promotion of the product. However, the Advertising Standards Association has established that so long as the endorser can accurately testify to verifiable personal use of a product, with no mention of strictly present usage, the celebrity endorsement is legally valid. I believe that Amie is engaged in such a dilemma to where she is ineffectively relating legalities with that of ethi cal issues, thus she is not able to separate the two very different viewpoints. The first step that Amie needs to take to satisfy her apprehension is to adequately measure her perceptions to determine whether an ethical situation actually exists. Marketing communications and advertising messages must consistently be accurate and truthful in order to meet appropriate standards (Gershon & Buerstatte, 2003). With this in mind, it has been clearly illustrated through both personal communications with Vin Diesel and in his legalised testament to his historical satisfaction with the consumption of Basils
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